
Crack Down on Child Labor Exploitation

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Call (281) 801-9635 or click the button to be connected with your legislators. Tell them to protect our kids and expand child labor law protections! Our future and the future of our children depends on it.

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Click the below to write a letter to your legislators asking them to expand child labor laws! The letter will go directly to your legislator’s office and has a big impact on whether or not legislation is voted on.
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States across the nation are moving to roll back workplace protections for children — making it easier for them to work late into the night and in dangerous and hazardous conditions. These efforts are spearheaded by corporate lobbyists who care more about corporate profits than our children’s futures.

This is bad for our kids — they belong in school, learning, so they’re able to get good jobs as adults. Children shouldn’t be working overtime, working late into the night, and prioritizing work over school.

But Michigan legislators are doing something different.  

HB 4932, HB 4962, and HB 5594 and SB 963, SB 964, and SB 965 enhance protections for children to ensure they can concentrate at school not work. It also increases consequences for businesses who take advantage of children.

Tell legislators that Michigan can do better. Expand child labor laws and protect our kids!

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